
Saturday, June 24, 2023

Mission Accomplished!

 Mission Accomplished!

It's difficult to believe it's over. After two years of planning, a lot of blood, sweat and tears, our mission to safely deliver the Flame of Hope to the World Games Opening Ceremonies was successfully completed.

What an extraordinary experience for all of us. Viewed through 108 different lenses, I think we can all confidently state that this was a fun-filled and life-changing week.

When you gather 108 people together, the majority of which with Type "A" personalities, you never know what mix of people you will get. I can say with 100% confidence, this was by far the most tight-knit group of Final Leggers I have ever been associated with. You bonded quickly and every single person seemed to have the positive attitude necessary to make this a successful event.

If there were complaints, they were very minor in nature and few, if any, ever made it to our ears. 

Each of you now shares a bond that very few Torch Runners ever get to have. The brotherhood and sisterhood of being a Final Leg Alumnus, is an incredibly small group, of which you are all now members. 

I am hoping as many of you as possible can attend the International Conference in Chicago this coming October. A portion of one of the general sessions has been carved out for us, and we will take the stage to share our video and our experiences with everyone in attendance, with the hopes of shining an even brighter light on what is arguably the pinnacle of our movement.

Until then, take what you experienced back to your programs. Share with your colleagues the impact you had on the citizens and athletes of Germany. Tell them about the thousands of people that lined the streets to catch a glimpse of the Flame of Hope and what it represents. 

If you have not done so, please take the survey Scott posted earlier. Be critical. Tell us what you think we can do better, and what you thought was a success. This truly helps us shape the experience for those who will follow in your very large footsteps.

Thank you again for everything you have done to make this such a memorable Final Leg. I am proud to say that we now share an unbreakable connection for the rest of our lives. Be safe, and see you in Chicago!

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