The Law Enforcement Torch Run Final Leg for a Special Olympics World Games event traditionally commences with the Flame Lighting Ceremony held in Athens.
This year, planning is underway for the ceremony to take place in Athens on Wednesday June 7.
The Final Leg Planning Committee is currently considering an idea where we will offer Final Leg Team members an opportunity to travel to Athens to witness the spectacle of the Flame Lighting Ceremony and take part in the Torch Run that follows the ceremony.
Take a look at the 2019 Flame Lighting Ceremony video to get an idea of what is involved
The arrangements for the Flame Lighting Ceremony are still being discussed and therefore we cannot guarantee that we will be able to provide this opportunity to Final Leg Team members.
All costs related to attendance at the Flame Lighting Ceremony would be borne by the individual. This would include additional travel costs, accommodation and meals.
Torch Runners will need to be in Berlin on Sunday, June 11 to prepare for the Final Leg. The Flame Lighting Ceremony is scheduled for Wednesday, June 7. The individual would be be free to do whatever they wished between June 8 and June 10 - stay in Athens - visit a Greek Island - come to Berlin earlier.
Final Leg Team members interested in the opportunity will need to speak to their respective Programs to ensure that their decision to participate is supported.
Those Torch Runners who will be accompanying an athlete to the Final Leg will need to carefully consider the needs of the athlete before committing to this opportunity.
The next step in this process will be for interested Final Leg Team members to register an Expression of Interest using the form shown below.
Depending on the numbers interested, we would establish a 'WhatsApp' group to keep everyone in the loop and try and make arrangements for accommodation and post Ceremony activities.
Final Leg Team members participating in the Torch Run following the Flame Lighting Ceremony would be expected to wear a Torch Run shirt from their home program.
Submitting an Expression of Interest does not lock you into attending / not attending - we are simply trying to gauge interest at this time.
Please submit your Expressions of Interest by Friday, February 10.
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