Wednesday, May 31, 2023
Fundraising Update
Updates to the Team Guide
Saturday, May 27, 2023
What the Rest of the World Sees
It's a Bloody, Beautiful Forecast, Chap
Friday, May 26, 2023
Projected Weather
Projected Running Weather for Berlin
Thin Blue Line
Blue Line Branding
Fundraising from Kazan
Fundraising from Kazan
As you all know, fundraising by Torch Runners and Athletes took place leading up to the proposed World Games in Kazan, Russia. When those Games were canceled, the decision was made by SOI and the LETR International Executive Council to split the fundraising revenue with 95% going back to the programs and 5% going to SOI to cover administrative costs.
A request has been made that those Torch Runners and Athletes who raised funds for Kazan, who are also participating in the upcoming Final Leg in Berlin, receive a credit toward their 2023 individual fundraising goals. The threshold for earning an official Final Leg Torch for individual fundraisers is $3,000.
There are several components of that request that are just not fiscally sound: number one, the Kazan fundraising dollars that were previously distributed came from another fiscal year budget. Those dollars are gone; secondly, Final Legs are separate budgeted events. The 2023 Final Leg started with a ZERO budget. There was no carryover from Kazan; the LETR International Council budget has not recovered from the impact of COVID (the current Council budget is at a 60% shortfall). In fact, we had to cut two positions from the Berlin Final Leg team to close the budget gap. Lastly, 25 Berlin Torch Runners raised money for Kazan, representing nearly 25% of the team. With Berlin fundraising dollars being unpredictable at this point, that could potentially result in a major hit to our Berlin budget.
Here is the example I like to use: If Sally from Program X raised $2,500 for the Kazan Final Leg, and raises $500 for the Berlin Final Leg, based on the applied credit, she would qualify for a torch. That $500 is split 50/50 between SOI and the program, leaving the Final Leg Planning Committee with $250. The purchase of a torch, with shipping, runs about $650. SOI would have to take dollars raised by another program’s Final Leg runner, to pay for Sally’s torch. That is simply not fair to the other programs, or to their donors.
It was also suggested that the credit be applied, and the home program could cover the cost of the Torch. The committee, or Council, will not stand in the way of a program wishing to purchase a Torch for their Final Leg Runner. But, to take that stance “globally,” knowing there are programs out there struggling to make their own budgets, would not be wise either.
Bottom line, I am tasked with the fiscal health of this Final Leg, and given our current budget situation, I’m not able to purchase items for which we do not have the funding to support. I think that’s a fairly prudent position to take.
You should also know that this decision was not made in a vacuum. The Management Team of the Final Leg Planning Committee discussed this topic at length. With that said, I am the Chairman of that committee, so the final decision lands squarely in my lap.
I hope you understand, and I am always open to any questions or comments."
Wednesday, May 24, 2023
The Drought is Breaking
One of the more unusual aspects of the preparations for this Final Leg event has been the delays we have experienced in releasing critical information to you.
We would have liked to have shared information about the running routes, ceremonies, accommodation etc months ago, but we simply have not been able to do so.
But the drought is breaking!
I am pleased today to publish two documents that I hope will be of value to all team members. The first is a Team Guide which is broken into three parts:
Tee-Shirts for Africa
For a number of years, the LETR International Executive Council has been working with Special Olympics Africa to try and get sustainable Law Enforcement Torch Run programs up and running across Africa.
The driving force behind this initiative in Africa is Joe Mutua who has responsibility within the SO Africa Region office for Program Development.
Joe was in touch with me yesterday looking for some assistance. He is hosting a 2 hour LETR training session next week (May 30) with 20 of the 30 African Special Olympics programs and was seeking content for the session. Thanks go out to one of our Torch Operators on the Final Leg - and Council member, Joe Carlone for volunteering to assist with the training.
Joe Mutua's email got me to thinking about other ways that we could assist. And from that little thought bubble came 'Tee-Shirts for Africa'.
Joe will be in Berlin for the World Games and I thought it would be a great opportunity to collect some Torch Run Tee-Shirts that he could take back with him to distribute as he sees fit.
So, if you are inclined to do so, could you please throw in an extra Torch Run shirt from your program (probably something in the medium to large range) and drop it off to the Logistics Team when you arrive in Berlin. We'll make sure they get to Joe and ultimately down to Africa. If you can, please pin a business card to the shirt so he knows who donated it.
This is not mandatory or compulsory - only if you can and think it is a worthy idea.
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Arriving in Berlin
The Berlin Local Organising Committee is making arrangements to collect Final Leg Team members flying into Berlin Brandenburg Airport on Monday, 12 June 2023 and transport then to the Sheraton Berlin Grand Hotel Esplanade. The will also provide transport from the hotel back to the airport for those team members departing on Monday, 19 June 2023.
If you are flying into Berlin before Saturday, 10 June, 2023, you are unfortunately going to be left to your own devices at Berlin Airport. there are simply no resources available to collect you.
On Saturday, 10 June and Sunday, 11 June, the Logistics Team will meet and greet arriving team members and provide transport for them to the hotel.
On Monday, 12 June, members of the Logistics Team will be positioned at the airport to meet and greet incoming team members and direct them to the LOC Transport.
On Monday, 19 June, members of the Logistics Team will be positioned in the foyer of the hotel to provide assistance to team members travelling to the airport.
When you arrive at the hotel, you will be greeted by a member of the Logistics Team and guided to the Final Leg welcome area. Depending on the time of your arrival, your room may or may not be ready. In the case that your room is not ready, the Logistics Team will store your luggage and you are free to go out for a walk to stretch your legs and blow the cobwebs away. You will be given an approximate time that your room will be ready.
In the event that your flight to Berlin is delayed, please find a way to send us an email message telling us as much as you can - where you are, how long the delay is likely to be etc.
We have created an email address which will be monitored from Saturday, 10 June for this purpose.
The email address is:
If you have not received your Uniform Kit (you are from Europe or Asia), the Logistics Team will be set up to supply it to you upon arrival at the hotel.
If you have received your Uniform Kit, but some or all of the sizes are incorrect, please tell us on arrival at the hotel and we'll make arrangements to do a swap out. Please note that we have very limited numbers of spare uniforms so it will be a case of first in - best dressed.
Who are you?
Name Withheld to Protect the Innocent?
What should I pack?
What Should I Pack for Berlin?
- A pair of jeans and/or long pants for casual wear
- (1) pair of LONG khaki or tan pants for the two team parties (this is a MUST, so please do not forget!)
- (1) pair of khaki or tan shorts (optional); we have a daytime event on 18 June and shorts will likely be more comfortable than pants, however they are NOT mandatory
- Underwear
- A couple of t-shirts, or casual shirts; Torch Run program shirts are great
- Running shoes; we recommend having two pair; if we hit any rain, running in soggy shoes is no fun!
- Leisure shoes
- Sunglasses (referred to from hereon out as Sunnies); a couple of quick Team rules on sunnies: you are welcome to wear them during the runs, BUT when you are carrying the Torch, or when we're on the stage at a celebration NO sunnies; pictures are always better without sunnies
- Sunscreen & lip balm
- Vaseline; primarily for the men for use on nipples (chaffing is the worst!); or small Band-Aids
- Socks; although we will provide you with running socks, we realize some are particular about socks; if you bring your own socks, they must be BLACK, have no logos, and be low cut
- Passport and local government ID (driver license)
- Prescription medication; must be in container as packaged by the pharmacy
- Toiletries; most Sheraton properties now have wall-mounted shampoo, conditioner, and body wash, however, it is better to be prepared with travel-size options just in case
- Small container or package of laundry detergent; there are a couple of clothing items that may be worn more than once; fortunately, we are not changing hotels and doing light laundry in the sink should be easy
- Dress uniform, uniform shoes/boots, and cover (hat) for Opening Ceremonies; If you do not wear a uniform in your duties, you will wear the Final Leg black polo and khaki pants for the Opening Ceremonies; ABSOLUTELY NO GUNS, WEAPONS, OR HANDCUFFS!
Monday, May 22, 2023
Changes to the Final Leg Team
Due to unforeseen circumstances, we've had two changes to the Final Leg team in the past week:
So we went a bit further afield (but closer at the same time). LETR Austria responded to our call and nominated Christian Schöberl.
Welcome Christian - it's great to have you join the team.
Welcome Ryan - thanks for stepping in
Monday, May 15, 2023
We've Topped $60,000 US
Running Shorts
Alternative Running Shorts
Friday, May 12, 2023
COVID-19 Guidance
The CEO of Special Olympics International, Mary Davis published fresh guidance concerning COVID-19 and its impact on the upcoming World Games yesterday.
She said:
As we approach the 2023 Special Olympics World Games in Berlin, I want to take a moment to recognize the tremendous efforts and hard work put in by every member of our team to prepare for this incredible event. The amount of dedication, time, and resources that you have all invested into making these games a reality, is truly remarkable.
However, I also want to acknowledge the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic and the need for us to prioritize the health and wellbeing of all. The Local Organizing Committee (LOC) and Special Olympics International (SOI) both share the objective of creating an environment with an acceptably low risk of virus transmission. We want to provide an enjoyable experience for all delegations and other stakeholder groups while delivering a successful event.
Considering this, COVID-19 will be treated like any other contagious disease during the Berlin 2023 Games. As acting responsibly is the key to success, we strongly recommend that everyone attending the games is fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and avails themselves of any available vaccine booster. Regular testing is also highly recommended throughout the games, even though there will be no mandatory testing in place.
Everyone attending the World Games is encouraged to take a test before travelling to Berlin as well as during their stay in Berlin. To prevent an outbreak, it is necessary to test as soon as COVID-like symptoms occur and inform possible contact-persons. Volunteers and the workforce will also have access to Test-Kits if needed (upon request / credential pick-up). In addition, COVID-19 Test-Kits are widely available to purchase all over Berlin, so everyone in need of a Test-Kit may visit a drugstore or local pharmacy (costs: €1-2 per Test-Kit).
Masks are recommended whenever they will add to individuals’ feeling of safety, especially when distancing is not possible, and sanitizer stations will be available throughout the games. We advise all participants to follow basic hygiene recommendations, such as washing hands regularly and avoiding physical contact.
We kindly request that you disseminate this guidance to sponsors, volunteers, and individuals traveling to the Games. Their involvement is integral to the success of the Games, and we want to ensure they are informed and prepared.
We are doing everything possible to keep everyone safe, and we encourage everyone to take their health seriously.
So - to summarise:
- COVID-19 will be treated like any other contagious disease during the World Games
- It is strongly recommended that everyone attending the games be fully vaccinated against COVID-19
- Everyone attending the games is encouraged to take a COVID-19 Test before travelling to Berlin as well as during their stay.
- Masks are recommended whenever they will add to the individual's feeling of safety.
- All participants should follow basic hygiene recommendations, such as washing hands regularly etc.
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Submitting Donation Checks
How to submit personal checks for your Final Leg Fundraising
- Collect all checks to mail at one time
- Ensure all checks are made out to Special Olympics
- Fill out the Check Submission Form with the relevant details
- Email a copy of the form to Kami (
- Mail the completed Check Submission Form and checks to Special Olympics Finance at the address shown in the Information Sheet.
Khaki Shorts & Capris
Khaki Shorts & Capris
Tuesday, May 9, 2023
Payment for additional Final Leg Patches