Fundraising from Kazan
As you all know, fundraising by Torch Runners and Athletes took place leading up to the proposed World Games in Kazan, Russia. When those Games were canceled, the decision was made by SOI and the LETR International Executive Council to split the fundraising revenue with 95% going back to the programs and 5% going to SOI to cover administrative costs.
A request has been made that those Torch Runners and Athletes who raised funds for Kazan, who are also participating in the upcoming Final Leg in Berlin, receive a credit toward their 2023 individual fundraising goals. The threshold for earning an official Final Leg Torch for individual fundraisers is $3,000.
There are several components of that request that are just not fiscally sound: number one, the Kazan fundraising dollars that were previously distributed came from another fiscal year budget. Those dollars are gone; secondly, Final Legs are separate budgeted events. The 2023 Final Leg started with a ZERO budget. There was no carryover from Kazan; the LETR International Council budget has not recovered from the impact of COVID (the current Council budget is at a 60% shortfall). In fact, we had to cut two positions from the Berlin Final Leg team to close the budget gap. Lastly, 25 Berlin Torch Runners raised money for Kazan, representing nearly 25% of the team. With Berlin fundraising dollars being unpredictable at this point, that could potentially result in a major hit to our Berlin budget.
Here is the example I like to use: If Sally from Program X raised $2,500 for the Kazan Final Leg, and raises $500 for the Berlin Final Leg, based on the applied credit, she would qualify for a torch. That $500 is split 50/50 between SOI and the program, leaving the Final Leg Planning Committee with $250. The purchase of a torch, with shipping, runs about $650. SOI would have to take dollars raised by another program’s Final Leg runner, to pay for Sally’s torch. That is simply not fair to the other programs, or to their donors.
It was also suggested that the credit be applied, and the home program could cover the cost of the Torch. The committee, or Council, will not stand in the way of a program wishing to purchase a Torch for their Final Leg Runner. But, to take that stance “globally,” knowing there are programs out there struggling to make their own budgets, would not be wise either.
Bottom line, I am tasked with the fiscal health of this Final Leg, and given our current budget situation, I’m not able to purchase items for which we do not have the funding to support. I think that’s a fairly prudent position to take.
You should also know that this decision was not made in a vacuum. The Management Team of the Final Leg Planning Committee discussed this topic at length. With that said, I am the Chairman of that committee, so the final decision lands squarely in my lap.
I hope you understand, and I am always open to any questions or comments."
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