The CEO of Special Olympics International, Mary Davis published fresh guidance concerning COVID-19 and its impact on the upcoming World Games yesterday.
She said:
As we approach the 2023 Special Olympics World Games in Berlin, I want to take a moment to recognize the tremendous efforts and hard work put in by every member of our team to prepare for this incredible event. The amount of dedication, time, and resources that you have all invested into making these games a reality, is truly remarkable.
However, I also want to acknowledge the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic and the need for us to prioritize the health and wellbeing of all. The Local Organizing Committee (LOC) and Special Olympics International (SOI) both share the objective of creating an environment with an acceptably low risk of virus transmission. We want to provide an enjoyable experience for all delegations and other stakeholder groups while delivering a successful event.
Considering this, COVID-19 will be treated like any other contagious disease during the Berlin 2023 Games. As acting responsibly is the key to success, we strongly recommend that everyone attending the games is fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and avails themselves of any available vaccine booster. Regular testing is also highly recommended throughout the games, even though there will be no mandatory testing in place.
Everyone attending the World Games is encouraged to take a test before travelling to Berlin as well as during their stay in Berlin. To prevent an outbreak, it is necessary to test as soon as COVID-like symptoms occur and inform possible contact-persons. Volunteers and the workforce will also have access to Test-Kits if needed (upon request / credential pick-up). In addition, COVID-19 Test-Kits are widely available to purchase all over Berlin, so everyone in need of a Test-Kit may visit a drugstore or local pharmacy (costs: €1-2 per Test-Kit).
Masks are recommended whenever they will add to individuals’ feeling of safety, especially when distancing is not possible, and sanitizer stations will be available throughout the games. We advise all participants to follow basic hygiene recommendations, such as washing hands regularly and avoiding physical contact.
We kindly request that you disseminate this guidance to sponsors, volunteers, and individuals traveling to the Games. Their involvement is integral to the success of the Games, and we want to ensure they are informed and prepared.
We are doing everything possible to keep everyone safe, and we encourage everyone to take their health seriously.
So - to summarise:
- COVID-19 will be treated like any other contagious disease during the World Games
- It is strongly recommended that everyone attending the games be fully vaccinated against COVID-19
- Everyone attending the games is encouraged to take a COVID-19 Test before travelling to Berlin as well as during their stay.
- Masks are recommended whenever they will add to the individual's feeling of safety.
- All participants should follow basic hygiene recommendations, such as washing hands regularly etc.
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